The Blue Light Ray 

angel light - John Rensten, Photodisc / Getty Images
What it Represents:

The blue angel light ray represents power, protection, faith, courage, and strength. 
This ray is part of the metaphysical system of angel colors based on seven different light rays: 
blue, yellow, pink, white, green, red, and purple. 

Some people believe that the light waves for the seven angel colors vibrate 
at different electromagnetic energy frequencies in the universe,
 attracting the angels that have similar kinds of energy. 

 Others believe that the colors are just fun ways of symbolizing the different types of missions 
that God sends angels on to help people
By thinking of angels who specialize in different types of work according to colors, 
people can focus their prayers according to what type of help they’re seeking from God and his angels.


Michael, the leader of all holy angels, is in charge of the blue angel light ray. 
Michael is known for his exceptional strength and courage. 

He’s a leader who fights for good to prevail over evil. 
He protects and defends people who love God. 
People sometimes ask for Michael's help to: gain the courage they need to overcome their fears, 
obtain strength to resist temptations to sin a
nd instead do what's right, and stay safe in dangerous situations.


Some of the different crystal gemstones associated with the blue angel light ray are: 

Some people believe that the energy in these crystals
 can help motivate people to seek adventure and take risks, let go of negative thoughts, inspire fresh and creative ways of thinking, and increase confidence.


The blue angel light ray corresponds to the throat chakra, which is located in the neck area of the human body. Some people say that the spiritual energy from angels that flows into the body through the throat chakra may help them physically (such as by helping to treat dental problems, thyroid conditions, sore throats, and laryngitis), mentally (such as by helping them make wise decisions or think more creatively, and spiritually (such as by helping them gain more faith, tell the truth, and choose God’s will over their own).


The blue angel light ray radiates most powerfully on Sunday, some people believe, so they consider Sunday to be the best day to pray especially about situations that the blue ray encompasses.

Life Situations in the Blue Ray:

The blue angel light ray encompasses a variety of situations that relate to discovering God’s will 
for your life and finding the courage to act on it.

When asking in the blue ray, you can ask God to send archangel Michael 
and the angels who work with him to make God’s purposes for your life clear to you, 
help you more clearly see God’s will for specific situations you’re facing, and inspire you to follow 
where God is leading you.

You can also ask  in the blue ray for the protection you need from evil that may try to interfere with you discovering and fulfilling God’s purposes for your life, and for the faith and courage you need to take action whenever God calls you to say or do something.

God may send power to you through blue ray angels to give you the strength you need to deal successfully with stressful challenges in your life, to stand up for your convictions, to fight injustice and work for justice, or to take the risks necessary to start a new adventure God has planned for you.

Asking  in the blue ray may also help you develop leadership qualities 
(such as integrity, creativity, compassion, decisiveness, listening skills, speaking skills, and the abilities to build teams, take risks, solve problems, and inspire others) 
that will help you serve God and other people more effectively.

If negative thoughts are burdening you, you can also pray for blue ray angels to help you let go of those negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts that reflect the truth about God, yourself, and other people.

The Pink Light Ray 

angel light - John Rensten, Photodisc / Getty Images 

What it Represents:

The pink angel light ray represents love and peace.  


Chamuel, the Archangel of peaceful relationships, is in charge of the pink angel light ray. People sometimes ask for Chamuel’s help to: discover more about God’s love, find inner peace, resolve conflicts with others, forgive people who have hurt or offended them, find and nurture romantic love, and reach out to serve people in turmoil who need help to find peace.


Some of the different crystal gemstones are associated with the pink angel light ray are: rose quartz, fluorite, emerald, pink tourmaline and green tourmaline, and jade. Some people believe that the energy in these crystals can help people pursue forgiveness, receive God’s peace, heal from emotional wounds, get rid of negative thoughts, and pursue healthy relationships with others.


The pink angel light ray corresponds to the heart chakra, which is located in the center of the chest on the human body. Some people say that the spiritual energy from angels that flows into the body through the heart chakra may help them physically (such as by helping to treat pneumonia, asthma, heart disease, and cancers of the chest like breast cancer and lung cancer, mentally (such as by helping to let go of unhealthy attitudes like anger and fear and to develop more self-confidence and compassion for other people), and spiritually (such as by learning how to trust God in deeper ways and forgive people who have sinned against them).


The pink angel light ray radiates most powerfully on Tuesday, some people believe, so they consider Tuesday to be the best day of the week to pray especially about situations that the pink ray encompasses.

Life Situations in the Pink Ray:

When praying in the pink ray, you can ask God to send archangel Chamuel and the angels who work with him to help you develop and maintain loving relationships with God and other people. Ask for a fresh dose of God’s love to fill your soul every day, empowering you to relate to him and to others as you should. Relying on God’s love (that he may deliver to you through his angels) will take the pressure off of you to try to love others in your own strength (which you’ll often fail to do), freeing you to enjoy peace in your relationships with God and other people.

God may send archangel Chamuel and the other pink ray angels to help you overcome bitterness and learn how to forgive the people who have hurt you, as well as to ask the people you have hurt to forgive you.

Praying in the pink ray may also help you develop virtues such as kindness, gentleness, compassion, and charity. Ask God to send his angels to help you treat other people as you want to be treated, and to take action to help people in need whenever you sense God leading you to do so.

Pink ray angels may also come on missions from God to help you let go of negative emotions that are blocking your ability to relate to other people as well as God intends you to, so you can enjoy healthy relationships.

If you’re looking for a romantic partner, praying in the pink ray may help you in your quest. If you’re struggling in your marriage, you can ask God to send pink ray angels to help you and your spouse improve your relationship.

You can also pray in the pink ray for the help you need to be a good friend and enjoy the blessings of friendship with other loving people who share your values.

If you’re dealing with trouble in your family relationships, you can pray in the pink ray for angelic help to heal broken relationships with your family members -- from your children and in-laws to your siblings and cousins.

Pink Angel Prayer Candle

Angel in Charge:
Chamuel, the archangel of peaceful relationships

Best Day to Light:

Energy Attracted:
Peace and the power to build strong relationships with others

Prayer Focus:
The pink angel light ray represents love and peace. So when you light a pink candle to pray, you can focus your prayers on developing and maintaining peaceful relationships -- based on love -- with God and other people.

How to Use in Prayer:
Light your pink candle in a quiet place where you can pray without distractions. Then, as the candle burns, you can either speak your prayers out loud or write your prayers on a piece of paper that you then place near the candle. Besides making requests, you can also express your gratitude to God and the angels for how they light up your life with love and inspiration.



The Yellow Light Ray 

angel light - John Foxx / Getty Images

What it Represents:
The yellow angel light ray represents the enlightenment that God’s wisdom brings into people’s souls.


Jophiel, the archangel of beautiful thoughts, is in charge of the yellow angel light ray. Jophiel helps people learn how to think in enlightening ways that can help them develop beautiful souls. People sometimes ask for Jophiel’s help to: discover more about the beauty of God’s holiness, see themselves as God sees them and recognize how valuable they are, seek creative inspiration, overcome the ugliness of addictions and unhealthy thought patterns, absorb information and study for tests, solve problems, and discover more of God’s joy in their lives.


Four different crystal gemstones are associated with the yellow angel light ray:
Some people believe that the energy in these crystals can help people let go of harmful anger and fear, 
let go of destructive habits, think more positively, think more clearly, alleviate stress, enjoy peace,
 and understand God’s purposes for their lives more deeply.


The yellow angel light ray corresponds to the crown chakra, which is located at the top of the head on the human body. Some people say that the spiritual energy from angels that flows into the body through the crown chakra may help them physically (such as by helping alleviate exhaustion or treat conditions related to the skin, muscles, or bones), mentally (such as by helping them recover from depression or clarify their values), and spiritually (such as by helping them discover and fulfill God’s purposes for their lives).


The yellow angel light ray radiates most powerfully on Monday, some people believe, so they consider Monday to be the best day of the week to pray especially about situations that the yellow ray encompasses.

Life Situations in the Yellow Ray:

When praying in the yellow ray, you can ask God to send archangel Jophiel and the angels who work with him to help you let go of ugly attitudes (such as worry, bitterness, pride, and envy) and replace them with beautiful thoughts and feelings. Since your attitudes lead to actions, which then shape the course of your life, the practice of filling your mind with beautiful thoughts will help you grow consistently more beautiful within every day.

You can also pray in the yellow ray for the wisdom you need to discern God’s will in every situation you encounter. God may send the angels of the yellow ray to give you the fresh insights you need to make the best decisions in the different areas of your life, from your relationships to your work. Ask God to empower you to see the situations in your life from his perspective.

Praying in the yellow ray may also help you perceive the meaning of what people are trying to communicate to you. If something that a person says or writes is confusing, you can ask God to send yellow ray angels to help you clearly understand the person’s message. Likewise, if you need to study and comprehend information for a test or presentation, God may send power to you through yellow ray angels to accurately absorb that information.

When you need creative inspiration for a project you’re working on, you can ask God to send yellow ray angels to inspire you with new ideas. You can do the same when you need a burst of creativity to solve a problem.

Praying in the yellow ray may also help you lighten up and have fun to alleviate stress and recharge your energy levels when you’ve become fatigued.

Angel in Charge:

Jophiel, the archangel of beautiful thoughts

Best Day to Light:


Energy Attracted:

Positive energy that pushes negative energy out of your life so you can more clearly receive God's wisdom

Prayer Focus:

The yellow angel light ray represents the enlightenment that God’s wisdom brings into people’s souls. So when you light a yellow candle to pray, you can focus your prayers on letting go of ugly attitudes (those that don’t reflect spiritual truth) and replacing them with beautiful thoughts that will inspire you to act in beautiful ways (and become a beautiful person who enjoys a beautiful life as a result).

How to Use in Prayer:

Light your yellow candle in a quiet place where you can pray without distractions. Then, as the candle burns, you can either speak your prayers out loud or write your prayers on a piece of paper that you then place near the candle. Besides making requests, you can also express your gratitude to God and the angels for how they light up your life with love and inspiration.



The White Light Ray 


 angel light - John Rensten, Photodisc / Getty Images

What it Represents:
The white angel light ray represents the purity and harmony that come from holiness.
Gabriel, the archangel of revelation, is in charge of the white angel light ray. People sometimes ask for Gabriel’s help to: understand the messages that God is communicating to them so they can grow in holiness, clear away confusion and achieve the wisdom they need to make decisions, obtain the confidence they need to act on those decisions, communicate effectively to other people, and raise children well.
Some of the different crystal gemstones associated with the white angel light ray are: ruby, onyx, red garnet, jasper, and obsidian. Some people believe that the energy in these crystals can help people feel more confidence and courage, stand up for their convictions, and change negative attitudes and behaviors to positive ones.

The white angel light ray corresponds to the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine on the human body. Some people say that the spiritual energy from angels that flows into the body through the root chakra may help them physically (such as by helping them treat back conditions, nerve pain, and immune system conditions), mentally (such as by helping them develop more self-esteem and feel more secure in their relationships with other people), and spiritually (such as by helping them break free of materialism so they can shift their attention away from temporary things and toward holiness that has eternal value).

The white angel light ray radiates most powerfully on Wednesday, some people believe, so they consider Wednesday to be the best day of the week to pray especially about situations that the white ray encompasses.

Life Situations in the White Ray:
When praying in the white ray, you can ask God to send archangel Gabriel and the angels who work with him to help you learn more about the kind of person God wants you to become, and to inspire and motivate you to take the steps you need to take to grow into that person. You can confess and repent of your sins, and then receive God’s forgiveness and the strength you need to make better decisions going forward with your life.
God may send archangel Gabriel and the other white ray angels to help you purify your life of negative attitudes (such as arrogance or shame) or unhealthy habits (such as spending too much money and getting into debt or gossiping about others) that are contaminating your soul and slowing down your spiritual growth. If you’re struggling with an addiction of some kind (such as to pornography or alcohol, you can ask God to send white ray angels to help you break free of your addiction.
Praying in the white ray may also help you let go of your insecurities and develop more confidence, as you invite God to use white ray angels to show you how much God loves you, and what your life looks like from God’s perspective. God may use white ray angels to deliver fresh doses of hope to you.
White ray angels may also come on missions from God to help you develop the communication skills you need to speak, write, and listen successfully. That will increase the chances of you getting your messages across well to the people you want to reach (from your personal relationships to your work on the job) and also help you better understand what people are trying to communicate to you.
If you’re working on an artistic project, white ray angels may inspire you to create something beautiful that resonates in people’s souls when they see it.
If you’re trying to become a better parent, white ray angels may deliver the wisdom and strength that God wants you to have to raise your children well. 

White Angel Prayer Candle

  angel light - Nacivet / Photographer's Choice / Getty Images

Angel in Charge:
Gabriel, the archangel of revelation

Best Day to Light:

Energy Attracted:
Purity that cleanses your soul and helps you grow closer to God

Prayer Focus:
The white angel light ray represents the purity and harmony that come from holiness. So when you light a white candle to pray, you can focus your prayers on learning more about the kind of person God wants you to become, and seeking inspiration and motivation to take the steps you need to take to grow into that person.

How to Use in Prayer:

Light your white candle in a quiet place where you can pray without distractions. Then, as the candle burns, you can either speak your prayers out loud or write your prayers on a piece of paper that you then place near the candle. Besides making requests, you can also express your gratitude to God and the angels for how they light up your life with love and inspiration.



The Green Light Ray 

angel light - John Rensten, Photodisc / Getty Images

What it Represents:
The green angel light ray represents healing and prosperity. 

Raphael, the archangel of healing, is in charge of the green light ray. Raphael works to bring people closer to God so they can experience the healing peace that God wants to give them. He’s often associated with joy and laughter. Raphael also works to heal animals and the Earth, so people connect him to animal care and environmental efforts. People sometimes ask for Raphael’s help to: heal them (of illnesses or wounds that are physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual in nature), help them overcome addictions, lead them to love, and keep them safe while traveling.

Four different crystal gemstones are associated with the green angel light ray: sugilite, sodalite, indigolite, and angelite. Some people believe that the energy in these crystals can help people concentrate on something they’re trying to understand, calm down stressed or anxious emotions, and think more creatively.

The green angel light ray corresponds to the brow chakra, which is located at the center of the forehead on the human body. Some people say that the spiritual energy from angels that flows into the body through the brow chakra may help them physically (such as by helping to treat spinal conditions, strokes, and vision and hearing problems), mentally (such as by helping them clear away confusion and clearly evaluate various options before making decisions), and spiritually (such as by helping them open their minds to new insights from God).

The green angel light ray radiates most powerfully on Thursday, some people believe, so they consider Thursday to be the best day to pray especially about situations that the green ray encompasses.

Life Situations in the Green Ray:
When praying in the green ray, you can ask God to send archangel Raphael and the angels who work with him to help you heal from whatever illnesses or injuries you’ve suffered in your body, mind, or spirit. God may choose to send green ray angels to heal you directly, or to anoint the healing efforts of medical professionals, counselors, and clergy who are working to help you.
You can also pray in the green ray for your well-being and wholeness, asking God to send angels to deliver the wisdom and strength you need to make healthy choices about how to take care of yourself, and preventing you from becoming sick or wounded whenever it’s his will to do so.
God may send power to you through green ray angels to help you concentrate on the spiritual messages he is communicating to you through angels, so you can understand the truth that they contain.
Praying in the green ray may also help you develop the ability to analyze the various options you’re facing before making an important decision, so you can act in a way that reflects God’s will and experience God’s best for you.
You may also ask God to send green ray angels to help you with financial concerns, so you can prosper by finding the best opportunities to earn an income (such as a new job), and learning how to manage money wisely (budgeting, avoiding debt, saving, investing, and giving generously).

Green Angel Prayer Candle


Angel in Charge:
Raphael, the archangel of healing 

Best Day to Light:

Energy Attracted:
Healing for your soul and body so that you can enjoy the best life possible

Prayer Focus:
The green angel light ray represents healing and prosperity. 
So when you light a green candle to pray, you can focus your prayers on healing from whatever illnesses or injuries you’ve suffered in your body, mind, or spirit so you'll be able to enjoy a prosperous life: the best life you can.

How to Use in Prayer:
Light your green candle in a quiet place where you can pray without distractions. Then, as the candle burns, you can either speak your prayers out loud or write your prayers on a piece of paper that you then place near the candle. Besides making requests, you can also express your gratitude to God and the angels for how they light up your life with love and inspiration.




The Red Light Ray

 angel light - John Rensten, Photodisc / Getty Images 

What it Represents:
The red angel light ray represents wise service. 
Angels, who express their love for God by serving on the missions God gives them, encourage people to express their love for God through service as well. 

Uriel, the archangel of wisdom, is in charge of the red angel light ray. People sometimes ask for Uriel’s help to: seek God’s wisdom before making decisions, come up with fresh creative ideas for how to serve people in need, learn new information, solve problems, resolve conflicts, let go of destructive emotions such as anxiety and anger that can prevent them from discerning wisdom, and recognize dangerous situations.

Some of the different crystal gemstones associated with the red angel light ray are: amber, fire opal, malachite, and basalt. Some people believe that the energy in these crystals can help people by encouraging them, helping them think more clearly, and giving them confidence.

The red angel light ray corresponds to the solar plexus chakra, which is located in the abdomen on the human body. Some people say that the spiritual energy from angels that flows into the body through the solar plexus chakra may help them physically (such as by helping to treat conditions of the stomach, liver, kidneys, and colon), mentally (such as by helping people make decisions and become more confident), and spiritually (such as by helping people discover how to use their God-given talents to fulfill God’s purposes for their lives and make the world a better place).

The red angel light ray radiates most powerfully on Friday,
 some people believe, so they consider Friday to be the best day of the week to pray especially about situations that the red ray encompasses.

Life Situations in the Red Ray:
When praying in the red ray, you can ask God to send archangel Uriel and the angels who work with him to help you discover, develop, and use the distinctive talents that God has given you to contribute to the world in the ways God intends for you to make it a better place.
God may send archangel Uriel and the other red ray angels to give you the wisdom you need to discern which specific people God wants you to serve, and at what time and in which ways God wants you to help them. You can pray for help from red ray angels to figure out which of the many pressing needs you notice are the best ones for you to focus on, and why.
Praying in the red ray may also help you develop the compassion you need to care about other people’s needs the way God wants you to care, the courage you need to take the risks necessary to serve them as God leads you, and the strength you need to commit and devote yourself wholeheartedly to your service work until each project is complete.

Angel in Charge:
Uriel, the archangel of wisdom

Best Day to Light:

Energy Attracted:
Wisdom for making the best decisions (especially about how to serve God in the world)

Prayer Focus:
The red angel light ray represents wise service. 
So when you light a red candle to pray, you can focus your prayers on seeking the wisdom you need to discover, develop, and use the distinctive talents that God has given you to contribute to the world in the ways God intends for you to make it a better place.

How to Use in Prayer:
Light your red candle in a quiet place where you can pray without distractions. Then, as the candle burns, you can either speak your prayers out loud or write your prayers on a piece of paper that you then place near the candle. Besides making requests, you can also express your gratitude to God and the angels for how they light up your life with love and inspiration.



The Purple Ray

 angel light - Jason Reed / Photodisc / Getty Images 

What It Represents:

The purple angel light ray represents mercy and transformation.

Zadkiel, the archangel of mercy, is in charge of the purple light ray. 
Zadkiel helps people approach God for mercy when they've done something wrong, 
encouraging them that God cares and will be merciful to them when they confess and repent of their sins,
 and motivating them to pray. 
Just as Zadkiel encourages people to seek the forgiveness that God offers them, he also encourages people to forgive others who have hurt them, and helps deliver divine power that people can tap into to enable them to choose forgiveness, despite their hurt feelings. Zadkiel helps heal emotional wounds by comforting people and healing their painful memories. He helps repair broken relationships by motivating estranged people to show mercy to each other.

Some fo the different crystal gemstones associated with the purple light ray are: carnelian, sunstone, and moonstone. Some people believe that the energy in these crystals can help people express their creative ideas, work for positive change, and develop more self-confidence.

The purple angel light ray corresponds to the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen on the human body. Some people say that the spiritual energy from angels that flows into the body through the sacral chakra may help them physically (such as by helping to treat reproductive problems, urinary conditions, digestive problems, and health issues related to areas of the body like the spleen, gallbladder, pelvis, lower back, and pancreas), mentally (such as by managing emotions well and thinking creatively), and spiritually (such as by learning how to let go of trying to control their own lives and trusting God to guide them, and choosing right over wrong when making decisions).

The purple angel light ray radiates most powerfully on Saturday, some people believe, so they consider Saturday to be the best day of the week to pray especially about situations that the purple ray encompasses.

Life Situations in the Purple Ray:
When praying in the purple ray, you can ask God to send archangel Zadkiel and the angels who work with him to help you discover and embrace more of God's mercy in your life, which will empower you to change for the better. Confess and repent of your sins, and then accept the merciful forgiveness and grace to move forward that God offers you.
God may send archangel Zadkiel and the other white ray angels to help you envision what your life could become like once you make the changes God wants you to make. Pray for guidance in every part of your life, from your relationships to your work.
God may also send purple ray angels to deliver the wisdom and strength you need to follow through on the specific changes God calls you to make in the various areas of your life.
Praying in the purple ray may also help you relate to other people with mercy, relying on power that God may send you through his angels to forgive them when they hurt or offend you and love them despite their weaknesses, difficult behaviors, or irritating quirks.
Purple ray angels may also come on missions to deliver peace and joy to you when you've successfully made changes God has called you to make.


Purple Angel Prayer Candle

Angel in Charge:
Zadkiel, the archangel of mercy

Best Day to Light:

Energy Attracted:
The power to overcome your past mistakes and move into a better future

Prayer Focus:
The purple angel light ray represents mercy and transformation. So when you light a purple candle to pray, you can focus your prayers on discovering and embracing more of God's mercy in your life, which will empower you to change for the better. A valuable way to do that through prayer is to confess and repent of your sins, and then accept the merciful forgiveness and grace to move forward that God offers you.

How to Use in Prayer:
Light your purple candle in a quiet place where you can pray without distractions. Then, as the candle burns, you can either speak your prayers out loud or write your prayers on a piece of paper that you then place near the candle. Besides making requests, you can also express your gratitude to God and the angels for how they light up your life with love and inspiration.


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